Get in touch

Angela Berkeley-Owen

English Tutor – Angela Berkeley-Owen

Angela holds a BA in English from the University of Sussex and a PGCE from Oxford University’s Department of Education.

Roles at and prior to °ÄÃÅÌìÌìºÃ²Ê

I joined °ÄÃÅÌìÌìºÃ²Ê in 1995 as a GCSE English Language and GCSE & A-Level English Literature tutor. Prior to joining °ÄÃÅÌìÌìºÃ²Ê, I taught at Oxford High School for girls and in adult education for ILEA, later the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham. I was an A-Level OCR examiner for 30 years.

What inspires you to teach?

I’m an avid theatre-goer so I enjoy taking my students to the theatre, particularly Shakespearean drama. Literature is a discursive subject and I enjoy discussion of different interpretations.

Why °ÄÃÅÌìÌìºÃ²Ê?

The small classes are hugely advantageous for the students… It isn’t threatening and students feel free to ask questions.

I have amazing colleagues and that is hugely special.

°ÄÃÅÌìÌìºÃ²Ê beyond the classroom

We are passionately keen in the English Department on taking our students to plays, even if it’s not specifically a play they are studying but a play by the same writer or in a similar genre. Not only is it enlightening for the students, but it’s also good for their bonding. We show online productions in our teaching as well.

Angela beyond °ÄÃÅÌìÌìºÃ²Ê

For many years I was a School Governor, in a Church of England primary school. My voluntary work now involves cooking for a local homeless centre. My interests are theatre, classical music and the ballet. I am a Francophile and speak French.


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